
The ICMA would have a secondary contractual obligation under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 if ICMA signs a contractual obligation with a government agency which required certain record keeping as a Skilled Migration Assessing Authority.

All requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 are deemed to be a request made pursuant to with Australian Privacy Principle 6 of the Privacy Act 1988.


Freedom of Information means any information held by the ICMA by way of public record, and includes:

  • statistical information with regards to its record keeping as a Skilled Migration Assessing Authority, and
  • general files concerning the conduct of the ICMA’s affairs as a Skilled Migration Assessing Authority.

See Appendix A for a list of publicly available information held by the ICMA.

Evaluative material means evaluative or opinion material compiled solely for the purpose of determining the suitability, eligibility, or qualifications of the person to whom the material relates under the Australian Government’s Skilled Migration scheme.


ICMA (Australia) has determined that it will comply with its obligations in respect of requests for records and information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 pertaining to the Australian Government’s Skilled Migration scheme.

Under the Act, requests to access information held by the ICMA pertaining to the  Australian Government’s Skilled Migration scheme can be made to:

  • access any specified official information;
  • access internal rules and policies affecting decisions.

Relevant legislation:

Freedom   of Information Act 1982

Related procedures / documents:

Privacy Act 1988

Appendix A: ICMA Publications

Further publicly available information held by the ICMA includes:

  1. ICMA Yearbooks
  1. ICMA Website
  1. Websites of Regional Offices
  1. ICMA, On Target e-magazine (first two months for members only; after which it is publicly available)
  1. ICMA (Australia) marketing/promotional materials of Head and Regional Offices
  1. ICMA Constitutions
  1. ICMA Committees and Terms of Reference
  1. ICMA Education Policies
  1. ICMA (Australia) Research Journals
  1. ICMA Education Program Course Information
  1. ICMA Certificates of Proficiency Program Information
  1. ICMA Continuing Professional Development Program Information