The ICMA is committed to :
- providing equal opportunity and promoting inclusive practices and processes for all students
- providing a learning environment which is free from discrimination and harassment
- integrating the principles of access and equity in its policies and procedures.
Equity in Education
The Institute has adopted the following principles which reflect its belief regarding Equity in Education and its commitment for a Culturally Diverse Society :
The client (student) recruitment and admission process is bias-free and non-discriminatory
- curriculum is inclusive of a range of participant needs
- the assessment process is fair, valid, reliable and consistent
- support is provided to those with special needs
- grievances are addressed in a fair and equitable manner
- adaptive technology is developed and used where possible.
If you have any special needs with regard to your learning and/or assessment with the Institute you should bring them to the attention of the Chairman-Education Committee at the time of enrolment.
If you have any issues or grievance relating to access and equity of learning and/or assessment, you should bring them to the attention of the Chairman-Education Committee at the earliest opportunity.
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