Assessment is central to the quality of any educational program. It involves gathering evidence and making judgments on whether a person has achieved the competencies or learning outcomes of a course or subject/module of study.
How Assessment will Occur: Although the details of the assessment may vary, in general, each subject/module of study will contain at least two assessment tasks or events consisting of :
- A mid-subject/module assessment event constructed in a form and conducted in a manner appropriate to the topic. Mid-subject/module assessments may consist of online multiple-choice exams, participative case studies, written assignments or other forms of assessment as appropriate.
- An end-of-subject/module assessment consisting of a combination of tasks which may include, but are not restricted to :
- problem and theory questions
- multiple-choice questions
- scenarios requiring short answer responses
- case studies requiring short answer or essay style responses.
There are 2 categories of Assessments.
A. Those undertaking subject at an ICMA Recognised Provider Institution, and examined by ICMA:
Awarded | Marks |
1.Learning Assignments (done for feedback purposes only) | 0% |
2.Final Written Assessment (individually only) | 100% |
[One 3-hour open book exam paper or assignment topic(s) set by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants] | 100% |
B. Those undertaking subject in On-Line, Zoom or Distance Education mode, and examined by ICMA:
Awarded | Marks |
1.Online Topic Assessments | 0% |
2.Final Written Assessment (individually only) | 100% |
[One 3-hour open book exam paper or assignment topic(s) set by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants] | 100% |
[A student must obtain a 50% pass grade to pass the subject, and it will be the only means of assessment. Students obtaining less than 50% in the final exam would Fail the subject.]
How Assessment Tasks and Events are Designed
Assessment tasks and events are designed :
- in consultation with Industry Reference Groups and Subject Task Forces, comprising experts in the particular subject field with input from adult learning and assessment professionals to reflect the integration and application of skills and knowledge required for the competencies or learning outcomes being assessed.
Types of assessment tasks
Assignments test your ability to apply concepts in a practical way and generally require a considerable amount of research. The length and nature of each assignment varies according to the module or subject learning outcomes. Guidance on completing assignments is provided in the study notes.
In line with assessments done for professional body membership requirements, there will be no individual or group feedback on any grade given in the assignment; nor will there be a return of the assignment to the student.
Those who miss the Assignment deadline without prior approval will FAIL the subject/course. In order to re-submit the assignment, candidates must re-enrol in the subject/course again.
Examinations test your knowledge of the study material, generally under open-book conditions. You should refer to your individual subject/module information in your subject room for specific examination conditions.
An examination timetable is based on two examination periods per year (usually) in May and November. It is expected that students will complete a course schedule at a particular location at least one month before exams. It is your responsibility, as a student, to ensure that you are available for all examinations. It is not possible to sit for an examination at any time or date other than that scheduled by the Institute.
If you live in an Australian mainland capital city you will sit your examination in that city. If you are a distance education student outside these cities, you will need to complete an Independent Exam Supervisor Nomination form available below. Ensure you complete and submit the Exam Supervisor Nomination form at least one month prior to the examination date.
In line with examinations done for professional body membership requirements there will be no individual or group feedback on any grade given in the exam to the student; nor will there be a return of the exam script to the student.
Those who FAIL exam will fail the subject/course. In order to undertake the exam again candidates must re-enrol in the subject/course again.
Download Independent Exam Supervision Nomination Form : here
You will also need to arrange for a suitable venue and a local supervisor for the examination. Alternatively, you can sit your examination in one of the capital city locations as long as you advise the Institute, in writing, of your intention do so. Independent Exam Supervisor Nomination forms must be submitted by the due date for each study period.
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