Published in print and online

This research journal of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Australia) will form an important link between theory and practice in modern managerial accounting. The journal is specifically targeted to “applied” research, and hence articles, case studies, software implementations and surveys that link academic and practitioner interests in the area of value creating and decision support information to managers are welcomed. All articles are subjected to a double-blind review process. 

The objective of the Journal is the publication of substantial and original contributions to knowledge in the areas of managerial accounting, broadly defined. Articles should be empirical or analytical; rigorous, yet preferably intelligible to a wide audience of academics and, where appropriate, practitioners. All articles are subjected to a double-blind review process. Presentation should be as elegant and economical as possible, avoiding unnecessary words, numbers or symbols.

Potential contributors will submit papers ONLY by email to [email protected] for review. The editor will initially review the paper, and if suitable, send it to referees via the web. The referees’ comments will be received via the web as will any revisions of papers. The journal is published every 6-months, both in electronic and printed form.

JAMAR is listed in the ProQuest and Cabells Directories.

Bound Volumes of JAMAR

Bound volumes with index of Volume 1 2002 onwards are available from the Secretariat. Subscribers wishing to have their own copies bound should address their enquiries to: The Secretariat, The Institute of Certified Management Accountants, CMA House – Monash Corporate Centre, Unit 5, 20 Duerdin Street, Clayton North, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA. Phone: +61 3 85550358, Fax: +61 3 85550387

Subscription Rates

All subscriptions may be paid in Australia dollars at current rates of exchange.



Overseas Airmail

Individual A$ 50 A$ 75
Student A$ 25 A$ 50
Corporate/Institutional A$ 100 A$ 150


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